Shining Despite The Pandemic

A few months ago, my dear friend Kalbiye Nur Yegnidemir (founder of Zeugen der Zeit) asked me if I would like to support her in an awareness campaign funded by the bpb.

Her vision: Creating more visibility for inspiring people during the pandemic by creating film portraits about them and their social engagement. A community is to be formed around the films that empowers and brings people together.

Building a community is of course easier said than done. You have to get the people involved and let them participate in the process. So instead of putting the films at the beginning, my suggestion was to start an open call where all people can submit relevant projects and the finalists will eventually be rewarded with the professionally produced film portraits about them and their initiatives.

I was super happy that Kalbiye and her team loved the idea and that I got the opportunity to develop the overall communication strategy, the naming and the entire brand identity for Krisenglanz.

Let’s shine! / #krisenglanz

„Gerade in Krisenzeiten wachsen viele Menschen über sich hinaus. Die Zeit der Pandemie hat dies bewiesen und inspirierende Projekte hervorgebracht. Mit dem Krisenglanz Film möchten wir diese Menschen und ihr soziales Engagement sichtbar machen.

Aus vier Kategorien wählen wir jeweils ein Projekt aus und produzieren anschauliche Filmportraits der Gewinner:innen.

Sei dabei und reiche dein oder ein dir bekanntes Projekt bis zum 20.01.2022 ein!“